The Cornish Mining World Heritage Site
We’re the largest industrial World Heritage Site in the UK - 20,000 hectares across Cornwall and west Devon
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Diwettha Nowodhow ha Hwarvosow
Cornwall and Mexico – 200 years of mining heritage
“Making the Most of World Heritage: Growing the Benefits, Avoiding the Pitfalls, Thinking Long Term”
WHS Areas in Cornwall and west Devon
Ranndiryow TEB yn Kernow ha Dewnens West
St Just Mining District
Mining on the edge of the earth
The Port of Hayle
Global mining port with natural wonders
Tregonning & Gwinear Mining Districts with Trewavas
Diverse landscapes and great houses
Wendron Mining District
Tranquil rural area famed for tin-streaming
Camborne & Redruth with Wheal Peevor & Portreath
The capital of Cornish mining
Gwennap Mining District with Devoran, Perran & Kennall Vale
Great cycle trails through the Copper Kingdom
St Agnes Mining District
Iconic clifftop engine houses and much more
Luxulyan Valley with Charlestown
The creations of two extraordinary industrialists
Caradon Mining District
Big skies, boom and bust
Tamar Valley Mining District with Tavistock
Nature and industry entwined
Disclaimer : the World Heritage Site Areas shown here are for illustrative purposes only and are not to scale. Please see the Cornwall Council Historic Environment Viewer and the Devon County Council Environment Viewer, on their respective websites, for scalable representations of the ten Areas.
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A mine is a hole anywhere in the world with at least one Cornishman at the bottom of it!
View our map of the Diaspora and see some of the places worldwide with Cornish mining connections
View Map of the Diaspora